Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Clicking Heels Together In Texas

Well, at this writing I find myself sitting in the San Antonio airport with a delayed flight home to Chicago. Schedule delays have always been AND will always be a nasty part of travel. Either way, I am very happy to be heading home after an eventful week in San Antonio, Houston and Austin.
One of the very bright perks of this trip was getting to see our daughter Tara who is at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio working to become a 68 Whiskey Combat Field Medic in the Army. She is doing great in her class and physical training. Grabbed this reluctant photo of her in the city. It is very fascinating to sItalicee how much this new world is changing her future. The hours and moments that we shared together here will never be forgotten. I thank God for this bonus of travel to Texas.
Tara was very happy to advance far enough in her training to gain some extra priviledges like ... wearing jeans off the base on her down time. Sounds crazy, huh? The Army is a very disciplined world and she says they almost don't know what to do now when they have unexpected free time. Tara and her friend, PFC Crabbe, sat watching a movie last weekend on television ... and they got to hold the channel changer! We went out to eat to some special places and went to the Riverwalk on the last two weekends. It is cool to see her develop new friendships with people from all over the USA and even some in our military from outside the country.
I also got to have an evening with my brother in San Antonio. We had a great evening out at Austin's Oasis catching up on what getting older is like and had some old laughs. I miss family now everywhere I go. Our family is spread out over Ontario, Illinois, and Texas. If I am here ... I miss there. But there is still no place like home. So here I sit on another flight delay ... clicking my heels together and repeating "There's No Place Like Home".
Those of you who follow NikonSniper are a very special constant now. Your comments on what you see here are very helpful when I am away from home and I appreciate them so much. Photography keeps me out of trouble. It keeps me busy and always looking forward to something unique to photograph and pass the time. Thanks for your kind words. I hope you enjoy these periodic rants along the way.
Here's hoping that you all can experience a bit of joy in feeling the greatness of "being at home". God bless you all you do.
All the best. NikonSniper Steve


Gerry Adams said...

I'm glad your daughter is doing well. Thanks for sharing all the great pictures!

Lynda said...

Since I am a librarian, I actually enjoy the periodic rants more than just the pictures! I like to read the story behind the pictures. Your daughter sounds precious and ambitious. I am thankful she has a dad who loves her very much and prays for her. Looking forward to your next update.

Unknown said...

It's wonderful that you can do both in this blogging world. It's a great outlet for personal and business life.

Unknown said...

Been there, done that......stuck in the very same airport in transit from Ft. Benning,GA to Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, only I was wearing Air Force blues and slammin' the heels of my brand new jump boots together saying "Ain't no place like home!"

Anonymous said...

Living about 3,000 miles from home there's always great joy of returning home, either here or there, and yes, most of the times not on time ;)
May time and life continue to treat you all kind.

Wishing you all the very best and a good Sunday.

daily athens

Flutterby said...

I appreciate your comments about photography helping you through your day. I call photography a gateway to a magical land that I can choose the beauty I share. Your pictures keep me pushing the limitations I place on myself. I am glad to hear Tara is doing well. Snippets of your family are delightful to read. Hope you have an uneventful trip home.

Nicky Abram said...

Hiya, it is lovely to hear about your daughter! I had a dream of having all our family very close but i guess it cannot be as children want to fly out of the nest! Have a blessed week.

Jim said...

I know what you mean about photography keeping you out of trouble. It is an exciting adventure that photography offers and it is good to see how other people 'see'.

Elaine said...

It's good that you got to visit with your daughter on this trip. It is hard to see your children grow up and move on with their lives in a place far away from you. I have three sons who live in the Seattle area and I do miss having them around day to day. But, I did the same thing when I got out of high school and moved a long ways away from my parents.

Janie said...

So nice to see and hear about your daughter Tara. She has chosen a challenging career. When young people know what they want to do in life it is a good thing. Because people should do what they love. As you do taking photographs. This is the same way I feel about photography. It is like a best friend, and you can take them anywhere. You sound like you are such a proud dad. By the way, I don't think you are old. What is old? It is only a number.