Wow! Houston, Texas! This is a highway intersection with flood depth gauges. I mean, WOW! It happens so often ... ya have to put the permanent depth gauge on the bridge wall? I figured that maybe you would take the height charts from the doors of the local 7-11's and just use them for the swimming season ... but evidently it's required year round. That isn't rain for sure ... that is an act of God. I figure this has to be hurricane season flood dangers that we in the corn belt know nothing about. If I was in the Gulf of Mexico region during a hurricane I would probably drive as far north as I could ... but the photographer in me would surely cause me to do something stupid. Either way, I am impressed with your gauges. Do any of you bloggies have flood stories to attach to this kind of photo?
Living in Phoenix and the bridge warning says do not enter when flooded. Yup cars have totally disappeared until the rain recedes.
That's pretty interesting. I wish they had something like that were I live, except for snow.
I remember when we lived close to the Mississippi River a few years ago and the river had flooded some areas. Where we viewed, it was only quite a bit wider and running very rapidly. It was quite odd to see whole trees go rushing past.
In upstate NY, the rivers and creeks could get pretty violent with spring thaws. What was once pretty and peaceful turned violent and scary - - - but in a sense, you were still drawn closer to observe it.
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