Friday, October 29, 2010

Back to SK-ool

Folks, you gotta see this incredible collection of photgraphy. I just had another photographic atom bomb dropped on me. There is such incredible talent out there and I learn something from everyone. Check out Daliana or Wind from Romania and see her work. Stop in and say hello on her sight. Check out the pages deep into the blog when you get time. She is so creative and has been one of my favorites for a while now. Congratulations Wind! You just took me to SK-ool!
NikonSniper Steve


Daliana Pacuraru said...

Hey, Sniper!
Is too much for me!...
Thank you very much and I wish a great weekend to all of our friends here on your blog!
You know , this kind of communication through internet make the distance shorter and hearts bigger!
Wonderful to find you and your work !
Say hello to all your sunsets, animals, rivers and mountains!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link Stephen, your are right her images are exquisite.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Haven't been around much, and so I forgot how much I love your stuff!


Unknown said...

Very cool! Thanks for the link!

Teri said...

Wpw---what a great recommendation you have given here. I went to the blog and checked it out and you are is incredible! Love the photos, the poetry, the songs. So nice to find such wonderful stuff in this world.

ShEiLa said...

Thanks for sharing what the 'wind' brought your direction. I will have to go back and look at more... but she has creative talent and an eye for color.



Flutterby said...

Thanks Stephen,
I appreciate having another photographer to follow. The photos are amazing. I like the variety of ways the photographs are presented. I have learned so much from you.


These links are wonderful. Stunning images they consistently photographed. I've been following Wind and he instantly became my benchmark in producing photos.

Thanks again.