Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wow! We Hit 3000 Followers!

Wow! Here is a photo of me racing home after the Friday night football game to see if it's really true. Did NikonSniper really hit 3000? That's crazy!

Actually, I have learned a great deal about Internet activity by watching the number of followers for this long. There is about 6 to 8 times the activity on NikonSniper through the winter months. But I was delighted to learn that we hit this milesstone slowly gaining followers through the summer and then a rush at the end.

Those of you who follow this website know that photography isn't the most important thing in my life. However, it is great therapy for me to sit quiet and watch turtles or frogs with my lenses. God's creation has been so much to behold. I missed that for most of my life. I lived in the fast lane of career chasing and living like a human pinball while trying to meet the varied needs of very different 5 kids. When you are in those years it seems like there is no end to the list of "must do now's". I really do enjoy the years that time has allowed since to see and share some of what God has allowed me to capture with a camera. I married the most incredible women/saint, who allows me to be the "willy-nilly-hop-in-the-car and go-whim-chasing" guy that in a moments notice will be standing lost-in-time 10 miles away shooting Sandhill Cranes. I look forward to our trip together next week to Oregon and Washington. The wonder of creation is thick in our Pacific Northwest.

I feel lucky to have this opportunity to share these travels with you on the Internet. I am no blogging genius. I hope to one day get a pro to team with me in the presentation of these photos.

So YES, I am excited that we hit this milestone! I am not even trying to be cool about it. WOW!

Anyway, the drawing for the 750GB External USB 2.0 Hard Drive will be held on Sunday and I will announce it on Monday on the blog. Good luck to all of you.

You can now enter the NikonSniper 3333 drawing for a 1TB Hard Drive. Make sure you enter.
This is the only way I can express my thanks to all of you. Sorry that only one of you will be the winner of the NikonSniper 3000 Hard Drive. I wish I could afford to send one to all of you ... but my name isn't Bill Gates.

Again, ... Good Luck and Thank You so much for all your kind words and encouragement.
Stay tuned till Monday!

God bless. NikonSniper Steve


Lynda said...

Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 Contest. I will put a link to your blog on one of my next posts.

Lanthus Clark said...

I would enter, but I live in South Africa and you probably won't ship it there.

But you have my best wishes, and admiration for the sheer number of followers you have!

Polly said...

I posted a few posts back about what a great blog you have and photos EVERYONE should see! I am as excited as a kid in a candy store to see how much longer it takes to get those 3000!!! Then, go for five!!I'm pretty sure I've already asked to be entered to win!!

Unknown said...

Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest!

Flutterby said...

Thanks for all your beautiful pictures, sense of humor, and faith in Christ. I am blessed by knowing about your blog. You are doing great.

Jocelyn said...

woo-hoo Stephen! And I see you are already on your way to 3333 :-)

Japy said...

Thanks for your photos. Greetings.

The Angry Vegetarian said...

I just entered. Thanks for even making this contest possible!

And I congratulate you on the milestone! I've only been here for a relatively short time, but I'm glad I made it here. Your photos are truly beautiful. Thank you for everything!

siberja said...


Franz said...

Congratulazioni Stephen,un meritato traguardo per una grande fotografo!


Taylor said...

Congrats!! How exciting!

Elaine said...

Congrats on 3000, Steve. I always enjoy popping over and visiting and checking out your photos. Have fun on your trip to Washington and Oregon, two of my favorite places. Oh, and try not to give your sainted wife heart failure while you're there.

Anonymous said...

That's very kind of you! I wish the best luck to everyone :D

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

way to go......congrats!

Gigi Ann said...


I feel your excitement.

Monica said...

Congrats Steve! If I live to be 100 I still won't make it to 3000 followers.

dominique eichi said...

YEA.... please enter me WHich is way cool thanks.

Kym said...

~Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3333 contest~ I am in desperate need of one of those hard drives :) especially since it put my computer on hiatus and I have had to tone down my own photography....always have loved this have quite an eye!

becky said...

Have a great trip to the Pac NW- great place to be!