Last night we heard from our daughter Tara. Tara sent us this cellphone photo from Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX. At least she is still smiling!
Tara is doing her (AIT) Advanced Individual Training to be a 68 Whiskey Army Combat Field Medic. She is doing a lot of field situation training at the moment. Tara continues to think about possibly continuing her military education toward nursing in the future.
As for now, Tara will graduate from AIT on December 10th and be assigned a station post. She will leave San Antonio on December 11th to come home for 3-4 weeks before going to her post. That will be a sweet homecoming for us all. We are so proud of what she is doing. Tara is tough and she cares for others. Maybe you can tell I am a bit proud of her.
If you knew her, you would love to talk and laugh with her. Her military experience has helped her form quite a different sense of humor. Well, Tara left us on Memorial Day and it will be great to have her home for a while.
Updated at 7:26pm. Tara just called again to tell us that she will be stationed at Camp Casey in South Korea. After Christmas at home, she will leave around January 15th to report in South Korea.
Camp Casey is located in Tongduchon, Korea approximately 40 miles North of Seoul. Camp Casey spanned nearly 3500 acres and was occupied by some 6300 military and 2500 civilians. Its primary mission is to act in concert with the Republic of Korea to deter aggression, and, should deterrence fail, to defend the Republic of Korea.
Not too sure just how often we will see her after that departure. We continue to learn on the fly. So much for being stationed in the USA. Field medics generally don't get stationed in North Dakota.Thanks to those of you who are praying for her!
NikonSniper Steve
I'm proud of her and I don't even know her.
I'm sure that your pride scale in Tara is off the meter!
thats great... thank you to her. :)
From here, from my far away country I wish Tara to have power to follow her dream!
I think we're here to help her to reach her ideal!
As much as we can!
With good thoughts!
Best of luck to you and to your Tara!
Such a wonderful person
Ah...congratulations to all you! What an honorable profession...thanks for sharing!
Coming home for Christmas! What a precious , beautiful daughter you have Steve! My thoughts and prayers are all around her and for the wonderful homecoming re-union which isn't too far away for you all!
Beautiful photo of Tara. What a happy day December 11 will be for all of you!!
Smiles from Jackie
YaY Tara!
Isn't it wonderful to watch your daughter thrive in the military?
My son has been in 3 years now and is a completely different person than who he was when he joined. He entered a boy and became a man. I couldn't be more proud of my soldier too.
You have every right to be proud, Steve. Military service made a different person out of me in a big hurry. I had to mature and learn responsibility and discipline while most of my friends back home were still the same goofy kids I went to high school with.
I'm from Wind's country and I want to wish good luck to Tara too. She is a courageous girl!
My best wishes and prayers are with her and your family!
I can only imagine how happy you are to have her coming home, my prayers for you and your family too.
hello Stephen,
I hope, she will be ok.
Tell her to take good care that you expect she to come back healthy
I wish her wishes come true, she can be a successful nurse. then she has the right to be cheerful.
a hug^^
kisses and more^^
Praise God you will have some time with her during the holidays and Praise God she knows where she will be stationed so everyone has time to adjust mentally to that. Tell her thank you once again for serving.
Happy to hear Tara will be hope for Christmas. Hope you have a wonderful time and she will be in my prayers as she serves in Korea.
I'm so happy to hear that your daughter is in the Army. Someone close to me has recently joined the Army.
The only thing that worries me is that you posted very specific information that should not be posted to the public. Posting the specific dates, names, and location of her station is a danger to her and others. Please be careful when posting information. Please search and read about OPSEC rules for the internet. Here is a link to a forum that I am a part of, they have great info on OPSEC... http://www.militarysos.com/index.php?page=opsec
Your daughter is in my prayers and I wish her luck in her military career. :)
My husband was stationed in Korea back in 94-95. He was wayyy up north though. A very unpleasant place to be. The southern part of the country is supposed to be much nicer, and there is much more to do. I have often heard that people stationed down there enjoyed it. Of course there is always the culture shock, but that there was much to see and do and enjoy down there :-)
By the way, we have been army for almost 20 years (I'm prior service, and now an army wife). I don't personally see anything in your post that would violate "OPSEC" (Operational Security. PERSEC is Personal Security) As long as you aren't giving *specific* dates and times and locations...basic common sense...you are good. Just my little 2 cents there.
Congratulations to your daughter!
yes, monica!
it sure changes them fast.
nikonsniper steve
You have every reason to be proud of your daughter. And we the American people have every reason to thankful for sons and daughters like Tara who server in our military.
Tonight I'll include you and Tara in my prayers. May God place his hand of protection over her and give her strength to carry on.
B/T/W I've enjoyed your great photos show here on your site.
You must be very proud of your daughter (and a bit worried too...). Thank her for her service to our country.
Well, that is good she will be home for Christmas. Give her lots of Southern Hugs...it is the kind that dosent let go. I learned that here. nice...huh
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