Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Mile High City

Well, ... here we go again. I am at O'Hare Airport in Chicago and beginning a 17 day adventure in both sales and photography. I anxiously await glimpses of snow capped mountain photos with spring happening all around. Or old barns with mountain backdrops. I only hope that I can catch wildlife candids flying by the seat of my pants on the weekends. Any advice on how to get a Black Bear to smile with his arm around you in the woods? I was told by some of my colleagues to smear peanut butter and honey all over myself and sit in the woods after dark. Thanks I get the point!
I will land in Denver this afternoon and will immediately head up to the Sterling, CO area for the evening. Tomorrow I will have several stops in Northeast Colorado and a stop in Cheyenne, WY. I have been to Colorado before but only to a very small but beautiful portion. This trip will cover roughly 2,500 miles of highways and back roads. I expect this will improve my backlog of photos from the region.
Anyway, ... I hope you enjoy the photographic results of one of our most beautiful States in spring. You might think that I would get tired of the varied mountainous landscapes and roaring rivers after a while. You might think I would start taking them for granted. Just know that I take thousands of photos that no one else sees. I generally love them all ... unless of course I blow something completely ... and that does happen more than you would think. I think mountains are nearly impossible to think as ho-hum when you are a flatlander from Illinois.
Welcome all. Keep those travel tips coming!
Let's enjoy the ride together.
NikonSniper Steve


Yolanda said...

Looking forward to your photographic journey! I have a few friends that live out there in Colorado. Beautiful country to see and shoot.

As for the black bear question... just go ahead and say hello to her baby.. she will have her arms around you in no time!!!

becky said...

Your solicitation for advice on the black bear had me smiling! (how about a zoom lens + photoshop, just to be safe!)

I never tire of mountains & rivers...

I hear they just got a foot or more of fresh snow in CO~ I'm sure you'll get some wonderful shots~

Almost Precious said...

May you never grow tired of the beauty and the oddities that this wonderful world has to offer. May nature's canvas always spread before you, affording you one marvelous vista after another.

Why? Because I love to see your amazing photographs and live for that moment through your camera's eye.

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Oh Jealousness is oozing out of my pores. I am in love with Colorado. Lived there for many years... and am DYING to return. Cannot wait to see what you capture!

irondad said...

Save some stuff for me to photograph! I'll be at O'hare on June 8th.

I've enjoyed your blog immensely even though I seldom comment.

As to the bears, they seem quite willing to put their arms around you and having a photo taken. It's signing the model release that makes them cranky.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful trip. I'll be checking in from Texas -- love Colorado.

Susan said...

A Montana - Glacier National Park girl like me LOVES mountains - and nature scenery in general! I'm anxious to share your trip with you. Wow, what a life! ;-)

PhotoVigor said...

Wish all the best.
Wish to view your beautiful photos.
Cheers. :)

NikonSniper said...

almost precious,
now that's a blessing of encouragement! thank you.
nikonsniper steve

cheyenne jones said...

I really enjoy looking at this site, I envy you your freedom to move around. I love the wide open space pics.