Monday, July 23, 2012

We Got Chickens In The Barn


Dulceh Franzen said...

Gostei muito dessa imagem!

g!oW said...

Lots and lots of chickens !

Gerry Adams said...

Watch out for the Colonel!

Dee Ready said...

Dear Steve,
This photograph brought back memories to me of the chicken house/chicken coop on the farm where I grew up. Mom sold eggs. She also wrung the necks of young chickens that she then fired for Sunday dinner.

I've been a vegetarian for thirty years now and part of that decision came from having seen my mom--who was a tender-hearted woman--wringing the necks of those squawking chickens. For me they had become friends.


Luis Nieto del Valle said...

¿Reunión de vecinos? :-)
Un abrazo

N@2 said...

nice colour...

CHummelKornell said...

Love this photo...especially your reference to Jerry Lee Lewis song!

s.c said...

Well they shure are sharp in the picture. Like it.

NikonSniper said...

c hummel!
hey baby there's a whole lotta shakin' going on!
you're truly brilliant.
so many of my titles have other thoughts in mind. you nailed this one! nice to have you back!
nikonsniper steve