Monday, July 22, 2013

End Of Another Musical Chairs Tournament


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

LOL.....too funny!

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Cool photo! Now, how did you get the truck and chairs to look like a sunny day, with all those dark storm clouds in the background?

NikonSniper said...

Vivian, I used arty fartsy software called Photomatix Pro. if you search the blog for "HDR" an article will pop up that I basically wrote how I do all these effects.
Hope you are having a great summer.

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Thanks, Steve! I will take a look at that. Yes, my summer is being outside and enjoying all of God's creations.
Hope you and your family are having fun too in the summer sun ( and rain ).

NikonSniper said...

Far top left corner where magnifying glass is. If you type HDR in there it should find the article. Steve