Wednesday, July 18, 2012

High School Rodeo


Williams Arena said...

This is a picture that speaks to the heart of every teenage boy. As a mom, I know what the dirty laundry looks like after a day of playing the mud....not pretty.

Thanks for dropping by my blog. I LOVE your pictures. Lots of cool shots.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous site!
I missed you by seconds. My new tuba playing, camera toting, yodeling friend. Thanks -Kelly

Judy said...

That looks like fun!!

Arnoya Ari said...

Heh car washes have a job.

Magic Moments said...

It looks funny...

Kerrie said...

Dear Stephen,

Blessings to you today!

Blogger confuses me sometimes. I clicked to follow you the other day, but I couldn't see any updates on my reading list. And I noticed my little avatar missing, so I followed you again and it was then I discovered it was linked to my old profile from my closed blog because I was having so many problems and I had no idea how to fix any of the problems. Silly me! Operator error. Sorry for the confusion and the long story.

Now I've sorted that and my little avatar is way back, I found me. {thank goodness - smiles).

Well, moving right along - I have to say this looks like loads of fun! Scary fun.

I hope you got to have a go after you shot him with your Nikon.

Four wheel driving is such a hoot, I love it! but I'm a big sook sometimes on those steep narrow descents.

Righteo then, I gotta go and burn some rubber myself and drive my son to school. I just had a mental image of myself driving like that in the photo. Hehe, most days I am driving like mad max in a rush, but safely of course. LOL!

Wishing you a beautiful day my friend, filled with His love and joy.


Kerrie, Daughter of the King