Need extra storage space? Make sure you enter this NikonSniper drawing for a Western Digital – My Passport Essential 750GB External USB 2.0 Hard Drive.
That’s right! In the next few months we will cross the 3000 follower milestone and in an effort to say thanks we will host a drawing for a 750GB Hard Drive.
I wish I could give these to everyone to say thanks properly but I haven’t won a lottery yet. I can tell you that the comments on this blog and all over the Internet on your blogs have been very encouraging and indeed humbling. Believe me … I know I am not as good as some of you declare … but it is so nice to know it is appreciated. Many thanks to all of you.
Contest rules are simple!
1. You must be a listed follower of the NikonSniper blog. After the drawing, I will check to see if the winner is in the list of followers.
2. Respond to THIS post in the comments with the request, “Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
3. Wait patiently. The winner will be drawn within days of crossing the 3000 follower milestone.
1. You must be a listed follower of the NikonSniper blog. After the drawing, I will check to see if the winner is in the list of followers.
2. Respond to THIS post in the comments with the request, “Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
3. Wait patiently. The winner will be drawn within days of crossing the 3000 follower milestone.
YES, you can win if you are in a far away place! The last winner of the 200GB Hard Drive was from far eastern Canada. And that’s like … way out there, EH! So you can win no matter where you are from … unless you are one of my relatives. I don’t like kissin’ yer sister with a favor, so to speak.
Thanks again to all of you who make this blog interesting. You provide the words and meaning to many of the photos captured in my moments on the road. I do not comment on many photos because I like to hear what they mean to you without me explaining much about the photo. You all have a very different thoughts or stories remembered by the same photo and that’s where this blog truly becomes yours too!
God bless you all!
NikonSniper Steve
NikonSniper Steve
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Hi Stephen,
Great giveaway! Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest! I desparately need one of these...my computer runneth over! ;-)
Thanks for the opportunity!
Oh...and I've been a follower for a very long time! Love your talent!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest. no one can doubt your talent
Please enter me in the competition!
Keep the excellent images coming, they are great to look at.
PS:I like the rental car ;-)
Seems like only recently you were aiming at 2000. The numbers you're gaining are certainly impressive. Well done!
So, (ahem) Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest. :)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest
What a cool thing to do! It's been a pleasure to enjoy the world out your window for a while now! Thanks Steve,
Wow, so many followers! May I get some of yours:-)?
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest!
Keep taking great pictures!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Wow 3000, Stephen that is a great milestone, congratulations and looking forward to the next 3000.
I must tell you that looking at your shots gives me inspiration and also ideas for my own photography journey.
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.” More storage space would be great!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
What a very generous way to celebrate 3000 followers. It's no surprise that you have that many. Your site is better than TV. :)
I really enjoy your photos. “Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Congrats! 3000 is quite a milestone.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Great blog Steve. Thank you for all your hard work.
Please enter me in the Nikon Sniper 3000 contest! Love your photos!
Very cool thing for you to do! I can only dream of 100 followers!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Thank you!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
You are so gifted, Stephen. You take advantage of your opportunity to travel in so many ways. I honestly don't see how you can even keep UP with that many followers!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest!
Hello Steve...I think 'I' am a wee bit too far away me thinks. Living in the land of OZ is a lot further away than Eastern Cananda so I think that probably rules me out! This is a very gracious thing your doing here Steve and you 'are' as good as we say you are!
Love seeing your images every day.
Wish my job allowed me to travel, but I do get to see student images every day. Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Keep seeing and shooting.
Well that is a very cool thing to do! Sooooo....
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest!
:) thanks!
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Blessings to you as you give us all these fabulous pictures.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
I have to say, I love your photos, especially since you frequent places that I know. It's fun to see things that you're familiar with through someone else's eyes/lens. Keep coming back to Phoenix: I want to see more! :-)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
:):):):):):):) and I am a follower! :):):):):):):):)
Love your work!
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Please enter me in your 3,000 visitor's contest.
I haven't won the lottery either and don't expect to win this either, but what the heck, I'm just trying to find things to do today.
Maybe I'll go out and shoot. Oh, maybe not, for I haven't got too much memory on my computer left and it's a drag copying on to DVDs all the time.
Ah, good SEO tactic...
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Please enter me in the nikon sniper 3000 contest!
I am in need of a new harddrive!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest. :)
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Congratulations on hitting 3000 followers...a little early :)
I love your photos, btw ;)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest! I'm a follower too! I love all of your pictures you take! Keep up the good work!
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
I wonder if you've been running into as bad of weather in Colorado as we have been in Montana. Yucky cold, snow, rain, sleet. Uh, hello, doesn't anybody realize it's like SPRING already?
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest"
I have enjoyed your photos for a while now and find you very inspiratiional! :)
Debbie K
Please, pretty please, enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
lease enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Love your work as always Steve!
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
I guess for this I'll change my profile from private to public, lol. I've enjoyed your work.
Congrats on getting close to this amazing goal.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest!
Love your photos!
It's amazing how many followers you have...but I am not surprised. Love the photos [and the wit thrown in from time to time].
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest!
Congratulations on 3000. I enjoy your photos.
This is a great idea.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please enter me in the Nikon Sniper 3000 contest.
Thank you. I enjoy your blog, as do a lot of others it appears :)
I'm really enjoying all your photos!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please enter me in the Nikon Sniper 3000 contest
I enjoy lookin at your pictures! Great job! :D
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.....thanks :-)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
I like your wonderful shots. I don't write any comment, but I enjoy your photos every day.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest. Thanks.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos. They have inspired me to take up photography;-D
Please enter me into the contest!!
['ô ] Avery
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Appreciate your generosity!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest (even though I use Canon ;-)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest. Maybe lightening will strike twice.
Consider me in Steve. Is it behind door number one?
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest. And congratulations on that achievement of 3000 followers (when you get there - which I'm sure will be soon!)
Yes, please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest! I really need a hard drive since my old computer crashed! I need to store my photos on one!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest
Great blog, I'm still reeling from reading about your 7 cameras :)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
HA HA....Thanks Sniper!
Steve, can old friends win the contest if they say pleeaassse? “Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
please enter me in the nikon sniper hard drive contest
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Someone lucky will win! :)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 Contest"!! Thank you for offering such a wonderful giveaway!! Take care ~Sarah~
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Thank you!
☼ Sunny
Great Job Stephen!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 Contest!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 Contest!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Hi Steve, awesome giveaway :)
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Keep bringing us those amazing shots, cheers, T. :)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest! :)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest! :) :)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest. Here's to trying again...and thanks for doing it again!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest!!!
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Steve - thank you for having this draw... you seriously rock! it seems like just a few months ago you crossed 2000? You rock, obviously.
Eh? ;o)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
And I'm in Western Canada!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest! :-)
Hi Stephen,
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Thanks for following my site Spacepirations. I too am a Nikon user (though by far not nearly as prolific as you in that department...).
Please enter me in the Nikon Sniper 3000 giveaway. I love your work and am glad you became a blog follower so I could see your beautiful pics.
“Please enter me in the Nikon Sniper 3000 contest.”
I love your photos and enjoy visiting your blog! Thanks! ♥
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Enjoy all of your photos & wish I had that many followers.
hola Steve, me encantan tus fotos, tu versatilidad y tu capacidad de trabajo.
Me gustaría que fuese a mi a quien le tocase el sorteo, pero..., para ello tendría que estar admitido en él. Por favor, puedes introducirme en el NikonSniper 3000.?
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest. Thank you!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest. ☺
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Hi, Stephen!
Wow! Congrats on all the "followers" that you have. (I signed up as a "follower", by the way.)
I'm not even close to that many "followers" on my blogs. But, thanks to you, I am one person closer on "two" of my blogs! That was so amazing of you to do that. I hope that I prove myself worthy of you having done that for me.
"“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.” That is so cool of you to reward your "followers" like that.
Furthermore: "Best wishes to everyone".
Have a fantabulous week and God bless you, Stephen.
Cynde's Got The Write Stuff
"Just For You, Stephen!"
I completely concur with NikonSniper's philosophy around photography and our place in God's world!
My first digital and current back-up is my D70. Now, it's semi-permanently attached to the 80-400 lens. Every day, it's my D200+ 18-200...rather upgrade lenses than bodies at this point. This D200/18-200 is definitely my favourite for versatility at home and travelling! I have an 18-70 backup. On the wishlist is either 10-24 or 12-24...need to check further before investing.
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
'Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest'
I don't leave comments everytime I visit here but I trully enjoy the photos you posted! God bless!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
I've been one of your followers almost from "Get Go" ! Love your photos and the way you view the world through your camera lens.
And now comes the words you were waiting for...
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest." :D
I just became a follower! And how timely indeed! I too live in the far eastern part of Canada. How do you think my chances are!!!
"please enter me in the NikonSniper contest."
Thanks so much,eh!
"Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest."
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
God Bless!!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Enter me for the hard drive also...You do have a bunch of entries!
I am happy to sign up as a follower :-)
Thanks for following my blog and Good luck with the 3000 followers!
I would LOOOOVE to win one of these as I slowly starting a new photography business (and I am sure you know how expensive to start a new business is!)and my own personal hard drive is almost full!
Thanks for the draw!!
Good luck with your 3,000 followers..please enter me in this contest I would love to have a camera like this...
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest! Thank you!
I get so much inspiration from your blog! :-)
I visit your blog frequently though most times I don´t leave a comment. Thanks for your photos.
Please enter me in the Nikonsniper 3000 contest.
Greetings from Spain.
Hi there Stephen....gosh I can't believe you're doing this. What a wonderful way to say thanks.
I'm a little afraid to write the words but I will do so (because I'm in such a need of an external hard drive.
So please do enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Keep up the wonderful work, no matter if I winn or not...I'll keep visiting here cause there's still so much to learn for me.
Hugs and be well
Please enter me in the Nikon Ssniper competition. You take some very lovely images.
Although I have already left a comment, I did not write the title properly, so here I am again. Please enter me in the 'NikonSniper 3000 contest'. I am now a follower and love the images that you post on your blog, especially the sunsets. I liked the Kermit photo too.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest
Please enter me in the 'NikonSniper 3000 Contest' drawing.
What a wonderful contest!
Steven, I have followed your site for quite some time now and enjoy all the wonderful photos you share. Please keep up the great work.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
I love your blog.. the photos you post inspire me to get out there and take photos!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest!
steve, thank you so much for all of the great photos. You deserve every single follower! :o)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
“Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Sharing your pictures is a gift in itself and I am absolutely blown away by the generosity you are showing, the appreciation for your followers! So I have to say it ...
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Ooh! How handy. Count me in!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest! I am a computer nerd. These are always handy. Sorry about the old comment, I didn't realize you had to put the words 'Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest' in the comment. :)
Hello! Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest. Congratulations for all your work!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Wow already to 3000 way to go Steve!!!! I look forward to entering the 5000 contest. I am sure it will happen.
Please enter me into the drawing.
I really enjoy reading your blog and really like your pictures. Keep up the good work! Thanks,
Well I may as well give it a shot!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest
Good luck on 3000~
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please pick me as the winner of the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Can I also enter early in the NikonSniper 4000 contest?
Great blog, you got there!!
Gorgeous photography Steve!
Well, easy enough instructions to enter, so I've become a follower first.
Next “Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.”
Finally, thank you for following me too!
☺ Sandi
Sandi's Creations!
Erin said you needed some more followers so here I am. Love your work!
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest.
Keep those amazing photgraphs coming!...
Tak-tak- tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak!! ;)
Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest. Thank you! :-)
Hi, Steve!
Thanks to Erin's post on Facebook I have found your wonderful photography! Please enter me in the NikonSniper 3000 contest, too. :)
I look forward to looking through your photos & reading the blogs!!
Joy Rust
Burlington NC
Please enter me in your NikonSniper 3000 contest. Thank you.
hello joy rust!
great to hear from you. hope all the kids are doing well. say hello to steve!
nikonsniper steve
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