Thursday, June 14, 2012

Colorado Wagon Wheels


becky said...

looks like surprised eyes with glasses!

Taylor said...

Oh!! I like this one! :D

Roger Howell said...

We look at these works of iron and wood assembled 100 yrs ago and think little of what went into them. The spokes were usually hickory. If you look closely the spokes are slanted some 6 degrees outward. As the load increased, the spokes were able to stand the weight without blowing out. The outer wheel is called fellows. Tire is steel, welded togherer in a forge at around 2,200 degrees with a hammer and was slightly smaller than the wheel. When heated on the fire it expanded and was quickly put on the wheel and quinched. After seasons of wear farmers and ranchers would drive the wagon into a creek so the wood would swell and keep the tire tight.